This is an issue mainly directed at people str8 out/selectively scamming. Notice it's not a sticky anymore and I'm letting the community handle the situation now. Obviously never directly place a transaction with a person you have no history with, but if you've ever dealt with envious you know he is on time like a clock. If SR has an issue with envious and his way, Envious and SR can have that chat themselves. I have 100% respect for Envious and his very professional ways. I have no doubts that this is the only way Envious will work, he's lost thousands of dollars with the escrow , which with most vendor would end their career,but envious stepped up and refunded everything that was lost between him and his buyers. I'll be taking advantage of Envious' stepping back up to bat as I'm sure many will whether through escrow or other ways. For envious escrow is a mute point. Either you know him and love his professional ways or you avoid him and his product buyers choice. We'll see how this works out there might have to be some fine turning to this system but I welcome envious back. He expanded many peoples minds with his Mayans and gave relief to many in pain. Let me know envious if you have any questions as always or dont hesitate to contact SR and ask his opinion. nomad bloodbath